- import { VTTParser } from './vttparser';
- import { utf8ArrayToStr } from '../demux/id3';
- import { toMpegTsClockFromTimescale } from './timescale-conversion';
- import { PTSNormalize } from '../remux/mp4-remuxer';
- import type { VTTCCs } from '../types/vtt';
- const LINEBREAKS = /\r\n|\n\r|\n|\r/g;
- // String.prototype.startsWith is not supported in IE11
- const startsWith = function (
- inputString: string,
- searchString: string,
- position: number = 0
- ) {
- return inputString.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
- };
- const cueString2millis = function (timeString: string) {
- let ts = parseInt(timeString.substr(-3));
- const secs = parseInt(timeString.substr(-6, 2));
- const mins = parseInt(timeString.substr(-9, 2));
- const hours =
- timeString.length > 9
- ? parseInt(timeString.substr(0, timeString.indexOf(':')))
- : 0;
- if (
- !Number.isFinite(ts) ||
- !Number.isFinite(secs) ||
- !Number.isFinite(mins) ||
- !Number.isFinite(hours)
- ) {
- throw Error(`Malformed X-TIMESTAMP-MAP: Local:${timeString}`);
- }
- ts += 1000 * secs;
- ts += 60 * 1000 * mins;
- ts += 60 * 60 * 1000 * hours;
- return ts;
- };
- // From
- const hash = function (text: string) {
- let hash = 5381;
- let i = text.length;
- while (i) {
- hash = (hash * 33) ^ text.charCodeAt(--i);
- }
- return (hash >>> 0).toString();
- };
- // Create a unique hash id for a cue based on start/end times and text.
- // This helps timeline-controller to avoid showing repeated captions.
- export function generateCueId(
- startTime: number,
- endTime: number,
- text: string
- ) {
- return hash(startTime.toString()) + hash(endTime.toString()) + hash(text);
- }
- const calculateOffset = function (vttCCs: VTTCCs, cc, presentationTime) {
- let currCC = vttCCs[cc];
- let prevCC = vttCCs[currCC.prevCC];
- // This is the first discontinuity or cues have been processed since the last discontinuity
- // Offset = current discontinuity time
- if (!prevCC || (! && {
- vttCCs.ccOffset = vttCCs.presentationOffset = currCC.start;
- = false;
- return;
- }
- // There have been discontinuities since cues were last parsed.
- // Offset = time elapsed
- while (prevCC?.new) {
- vttCCs.ccOffset += currCC.start - prevCC.start;
- = false;
- currCC = prevCC;
- prevCC = vttCCs[currCC.prevCC];
- }
- vttCCs.presentationOffset = presentationTime;
- };
- export function parseWebVTT(
- vttByteArray: ArrayBuffer,
- initPTS: number,
- timescale: number,
- vttCCs: VTTCCs,
- cc: number,
- timeOffset: number,
- callBack: (cues: VTTCue[]) => void,
- errorCallBack: (error: Error) => void
- ) {
- const parser = new VTTParser();
- // Convert byteArray into string, replacing any somewhat exotic linefeeds with "\n", then split on that character.
- // Uint8Array.prototype.reduce is not implemented in IE11
- const vttLines = utf8ArrayToStr(new Uint8Array(vttByteArray))
- .trim()
- .replace(LINEBREAKS, '\n')
- .split('\n');
- const cues: VTTCue[] = [];
- const initPTS90Hz = toMpegTsClockFromTimescale(initPTS, timescale);
- let cueTime = '00:00.000';
- let timestampMapMPEGTS = 0;
- let timestampMapLOCAL = 0;
- let parsingError: Error;
- let inHeader = true;
- let timestampMap = false;
- parser.oncue = function (cue: VTTCue) {
- // Adjust cue timing; clamp cues to start no earlier than - and drop cues that don't end after - 0 on timeline.
- const currCC = vttCCs[cc];
- let cueOffset = vttCCs.ccOffset;
- // Calculate subtitle PTS offset
- const webVttMpegTsMapOffset = (timestampMapMPEGTS - initPTS90Hz) / 90000;
- // Update offsets for new discontinuities
- if (currCC?.new) {
- if (timestampMapLOCAL !== undefined) {
- // When local time is provided, offset = discontinuity start time - local time
- cueOffset = vttCCs.ccOffset = currCC.start;
- } else {
- calculateOffset(vttCCs, cc, webVttMpegTsMapOffset);
- }
- }
- if (webVttMpegTsMapOffset) {
- // If we have MPEGTS, offset = presentation time + discontinuity offset
- cueOffset = webVttMpegTsMapOffset - vttCCs.presentationOffset;
- }
- if (timestampMap) {
- const duration = cue.endTime - cue.startTime;
- const startTime =
- PTSNormalize(
- (cue.startTime + cueOffset - timestampMapLOCAL) * 90000,
- timeOffset * 90000
- ) / 90000;
- cue.startTime = startTime;
- cue.endTime = startTime + duration;
- }
- //trim trailing webvtt block whitespaces
- const text = cue.text.trim();
- // Fix encoding of special characters
- cue.text = decodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(text));
- // If the cue was not assigned an id from the VTT file (line above the content), create one.
- if (! {
- = generateCueId(cue.startTime, cue.endTime, text);
- }
- if (cue.endTime > 0) {
- cues.push(cue);
- }
- };
- parser.onparsingerror = function (error: Error) {
- parsingError = error;
- };
- parser.onflush = function () {
- if (parsingError && errorCallBack) {
- errorCallBack(parsingError);
- return;
- }
- callBack(cues);
- };
- // Go through contents line by line.
- vttLines.forEach((line) => {
- if (inHeader) {
- // Look for X-TIMESTAMP-MAP in header.
- if (startsWith(line, 'X-TIMESTAMP-MAP=')) {
- // Once found, no more are allowed anyway, so stop searching.
- inHeader = false;
- timestampMap = true;
- // Extract LOCAL and MPEGTS.
- line
- .substr(16)
- .split(',')
- .forEach((timestamp) => {
- if (startsWith(timestamp, 'LOCAL:')) {
- cueTime = timestamp.substr(6);
- } else if (startsWith(timestamp, 'MPEGTS:')) {
- timestampMapMPEGTS = parseInt(timestamp.substr(7));
- }
- });
- try {
- // Convert cue time to seconds
- timestampMapLOCAL = cueString2millis(cueTime) / 1000;
- } catch (error) {
- timestampMap = false;
- parsingError = error;
- }
- // Return without parsing X-TIMESTAMP-MAP line.
- return;
- } else if (line === '') {
- inHeader = false;
- }
- }
- // Parse line by default.
- parser.parse(line + '\n');
- });
- parser.flush();
- }